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New Course: Editing for Specialists and Professionals (Editing III) BWR307

Are you a copyeditor looking to upskill? Do you work with documents requiring specialist knowledge or consultants? Intended for people already skilled in the essentials, Editing for Specialists and Professionals introduces higher level language concepts, such as grammatical approaches, text types, and audience assessment. It also discusses the editor-client relationship and editorial ethics.

The final lessons in this course introduce students to the specifics of educational and academic editing, concerns for the online editor, and best practices for those working with commercial documents.

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Our 113 page 2017 Handbook is now available to download.


Take your time to flick through the pages and find the course that is right for you.


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Writing Ebooks & Short Course Promotion

We have a special promotional offer on a some of writing ebooks and even a 20 hour short course.


Use this Promo Code:


To receive 25% off the following 20 hour short course:

Editing Skills

and 25% off the ebooks:

Professional Writing

How to Write a Novel



How do you become an editor?

Many writers find supplementary work as a proof reader or editor. To do this job, you need to be fast and sharp with picking up grammatical and spelling mistakes. Not everyone can do this; but as a writer develops their writing skills over a period of years; these proof reading skills tend to develop naturally.

Good Proof Readers are always in demand.

Very few people can immediately write a lucid and well-expressed piece of work. In most cases, the final draft is smoothed and polished so that others can readily understand the writer’s message. It is the editor’s role to improve the quality of the writing, whether their own or someone else’s work.

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What is Writing?

Everyone can write- or can they?


The purpose of writing is to communicate from one person to another. If writing does not convey the intended message; it could be argued it fails to be real writing.


No matter what you write, it must flow naturally – forcing style just doesn’t work, style is inherent. Your voice is the way in which you choose and use words, sentences and paragraphs. This usually develops from your life experiences, the way you view the world and the people in it, and the ways in which you react to complex and aesthetic influences. Writers may use different ‘voices’ within their work, but the overall style is the writer’s style. Since each character in the writer's novel has a unique personality, so each character will also have their own distinctive voice.

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