DOES SMALL BUSINESS SUIT YOU?  ..and do you suit it?

Generally the people who are successful in business, are those who kept trying different things until they finally found something that worked. The successful small businessperson is almost certainly an enthusiastic sort of person, who enjoys hard work and a challenge.

BEWARE: The ability to deliver a product or service is NEVER ENOUGH to be successful!

Before embarking on a small business venture you should examine your position in detail considering things such as the following:

1. Financial Assets

2. Physical Assets

3. Knowledge/Skill of the Industry Sector

4. Support from People Around You (family, friends, colleagues)

5. Communication Skills

6. Personality (Can you handle stress? Are you always positive even when things go wrong? Are you patient and persistent? Are you naturally organised, or disorganised?)

You can make up for areas of deficiency to some extent with Bank loans, Books, Courses, Consultants, Contractors and Consultants. Communication skills and personality defects though can be very difficult to counter if seriously deficient. This is why some people may simply never be successful in small business.

Remember that in the early stages of running a small business you may have to put in long hours for small rewards.  Perseverance will pay off and the hours that you have put in will produce a successful business in due course.

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